Welcome to the Amish of Ethridge Tennessee

We want to be your guide to the Amish community of Ethridge Tennessee!

Click the button above for news, discounts, coupons, and more from the places around Amish country!

Tennessee Winery Tours Photo Example.

For those who want to advertise with us.

Some relationships have to be carefully planned out with every seed planted in order to produce. Just like the grapes in the vineyard in the photo above, it may be awhile before you can have your fine wine mature at the right time. Having an end goal in mind means strategy and goals. We like having the end goal in mind so we can measure results and run multiple scenarios to take the visitor through a network of funnels. We believe if your product or service is good for our visitors, it should be something that we could advertise. We do not want to advertise anything that we feel would con them or be a bad product for our audience. A company also should be able to honor their product or service if there is a problem after the sale so if you feel we are a good fit, then fill out the form below. We will then follow up with you once we get your information and do a bit of research and validation.

Keep in mind that there are only 6 ad placements maximum on each page that we allow to place advertisements on. Early adopters will get first choice in advertising on the page of their choice and that the company whose page we have built can have an influence on advertisers who have ads on their page. We give the place who we talk about in the page the first chance to put their own ad on the page so to keep competition off their page. This allows us to keep the content relevant to the topic of the page in hopes of an algorithm will not be confused with content that is out of line with the focus of the page!

Application to Advertise on our website

We must filter each applicant carefully to make sure we are a good fit. Putting on an ad that is outside our niche will confuse the way Google fetches answers to search intent. This filter is not about the money but is only to match our criteria per page to carry ads. This form will also collect applicants who pass into a group on our Progeny Adventure Group LLC website where you can see a detailed page where we explain our ad programs and pricing. If you are interested then you can go to the sales page in the link at the bottom of the page below.  

Maximum number of entries exceeded.
Of our Women Followers are 35 to 64 years of age!

That's right! 70% of the women who follow our Facebook Page are 35 to 64 years of age with 35 to 54 making up 42% of the 70%.

Metrics from Facebook:

Monthly Reach


% of Women


% of Men

Of in person visitors are from Alabama!

Pricing Plans

We took the amount of Advertising spending dollars needed to get a monthly partial newspaper ad and the equivalent radio ad placed in our local area. Since our ad placements doesn't move much after installation, we feel the evergreen findability is worth the introductory offers made below! This price will increase with the number of online visitors due to more exposure to the website so lock in your yearly rate! Customers who buy both the premium plan and add the live show sponsorship can enjoy a discount.

Advertising Level Workflow

We take the application form and filter each applicant into those we can advertise on our websites and those who happen to be in a niche that we cannot fit at the moment. We then add a tag that gets you into a free membership on our Progeny Adventure Group LLC website where we both talk and discuss your advertising goals and see our mock up Ads where we try to make a converting Ad and campaign. Then we send you a link to a page where you can purchase your Ad Level and start generating leads. See the timeline** estimates in the list below!

  1. 1
    Get an email to you and link to our umbrella company membership. 
  2. 2
    Begin working on an advertising campaign that converts well to your goals.  
  3. 3
    Reverse engineer an end result that gets you leads based on a great sales funnel!
  4. 4
    Start working on the content that appeals to your target market audience. 
  5. 5
    Finalize the direction and content that best appeals to your business goals.
  6. 6
    Send the email where you can purchase your Ad Level and begin getting leads!

* At no point do we let anyone have things we build for their own use. We are not in the business of free consulting or free business concept ideation.*

**Most customers take 4-6 weeks to get from form to files on our website. The more you know about your Ad budget, targets, and demographics the easier this process can be**

Windmill Level Advertising

The Garden Level is discussed on our sales page in the link below. The Windmill Level is only for advertising on our videos, live show, and podcast. The windmill is the tallest and most recognizable item on an Amish home, and this analogy is perfect for explaining the purpose of this level. The advertiser who needs this kind of advertising, knows that their target market isn't reading blog posts, but they are watching YouTube videos and listening to Apple podcasts!

Buggy Level Combination

The Buggy Level Combination is our best tier and biggest savings! We combine our Garden level and Windmill levels together with a yearly term for a maximum savings of $1,192 per year or $2,000 if paid yearly! How did we get that number? See below!

Select Your Plan And Advertising Level

We explain all of our best reasoning for why the right company should advertise with us! The Amish of Ethridge website is owned and operated by The Progeny Adventure Group LLC so the button link below takes you to our sales page.

We (The Amish of Ethridge) do not guarantee the accuracy of the links it shares, as the URL may be changed without warning from the original location. Additionally, we do not represent any business listed above or the Amish Community we share. Anyone who consumes our content and acts on what they perceive is doing so of their own volition. We built our website and trails to show our visitors possibilities to include in their itinerary to experience on their vacation.

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Amish of Ethridge Tn Blog Posts

How The Amish Have A Barn Raising
The Amish Build Hand Made Caskets

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We have a few emails that go out each year to those who are looking for updates and deals that are going on during the year!

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